Rota drawing Rosa + Beste Verhalen

M.J. Prior M.J.Prior at
Tue Jan 30 17:29:24 CET 2007

Michele M:

> Well, it's the cover of the issue with "A Letter From 
> Home". It's a generic treasure found in the castle... it 
> can be the Templars' one.

I beg to differ. Rota's cover shows a very specific 
treasure, this being Sir Quackly's treasure chest, 
containing necklaces and coins, as shown in Barks' story 
"The Old Castle's Secret". Contrarily, the treasury of the 
Knights Templar, from Rosa's "A Letter From Home", 
consists of a large pile of coins and a collection of 
assorted objects of art. Furthermore, the sword wielded by 
an invisible hand and the skull of Sir Swamphole peeping 
out of the suit of armour stem both from "The Old Castle's 
Secret", while they are not to be seen in "A Letter From 

Timo Ronkainen:

> each album carried a short introduction to Carl Barks 
> [...] Did this introduction appear in other countries as 
> well?

The Dutch Beste Verhalen series included an introduction 
to Carl Barks straight from the beginning. As the series 
is still running, Barks' memory continues being kept alive 
in the introduction the each issue.

Greetings from Michiel Prior.

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