
Olaf Moriarty Solstrand olaf.solstrand at
Mon Jul 30 22:55:01 CEST 2007

(Sorry if this post comes twice. I sent it five days ago and it hasn't  
appeared here yet, so I try to resend it.)

På Wed, 25 Jul 2007 19:44:14 +0200, skrev Anders Sivebæk <acs at>:

> For those interested it could be nice to now the following: Don Rosa  
> will be at the Gothenborg Book fair in the end of september (27th to  
> 30th - thursday to sunday) - among other things signing at Egmonts stand  
> there. There's also something planned for 10.30 am on sunday at the  
> stage.

Also, older news, but I don't think anyone has mentioned them in here
anyway, so let's do that:

That exact same weekend (September 28th-30th), Daan Jippes is guesting the
Raptus International Comics Festival in Bergen, Norway. No program is out

No rumors about a donaldist gathering in Bergen that weekend (and I doubt
there will be one), but I bet those of us going there will have a good
time anyway.

<offtopic> (And for those interested -- other confirmed guests so far are
Achdé, Marcello Toninelli, Jerry Scott, David Bishop, Paul Grist, Albert
Weinberg, Vince Deporter, Dany, Peter Madsen, Michel Blanc-Dumont, Knut
Westad, Hermann Huppen, Tibet, Thierry Capezzone and Det Mögels.)

Busy weekend for Scandinavian Disney Comics fans!


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