DCML Digest, Vol 52, Issue 10 (3-tier stories)

Jonathan H. Gray jongraywb at hotmail.com
Thu Jun 14 19:51:34 CEST 2007

>I suspect the latter statement is true... but one shouldn't confuse dislike 
>of the format with dislike of the particular stories being printed.  The 
>identity of the artist plays a major role in how these stories come across 
>to the reader. Some of the 3-tier artists, like Fecchi, are sufficiently 
>skilled that "blowing up" their artwork doesn't make much of a difference.  
>Applying the same treatment to the work of Bancells, Miguel, and their ilk 
>only amplifies their shortcomings.  Gemstone will have to be very careful 
>when picking from the pool of stockpiled stories if it wishes to maintain 
>the overall quality standards of its remaining regular titles.

Total agreement here. Of the modern 3 tier artists I consider Fecchi to be 
outstanding. Even on stories with weaker writers at least you can count on 
his artwork always being fun and lively to look at (and we'd probably never 
have even known about him had it not been for the pocketbooks).

My personal opinion mimics that of Chris's. There are plenty of good 3 tier 
stories BUT there are equally plenty of artists whose shortcomings/lack of 
"oomph" were already glaringly noticeable in the pocketsize editions. Said 
shortcomings become far greater when amplified within the confines of the 
prestige books whose purpose should be to print the best of the best. People 
give those rave reviews to classic guys like Scarpa and modern guys like 
Fecchi and...other guys whose names I am too lazy to look up because my 
books are not near me hahaha....for a reason. :)

Jonathan H. Gray

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