
Don Rosa donrosa at iglou.com
Wed Jun 20 21:38:33 CEST 2007

I reread my Tuesday submission, and I find it rambling and espousing ideas
that were already stated and didn't need repeating by the likes of me. But
no apologies. I saw that some people's opinions were being dismissed
summarily because they were termed unprofessional and ignorant, and that
riled me somewhat. I knew that at least one (if not several) of those folks
could write in his *second* language of English better than I can or than
can any other native Americans on this ML can in *our own* language. And he
also knows more about international comics in general, and certainly
international Disney comics in particular, and probably (like most Italian
comic fans) also American comics than I or any other American here does. And
he has also written or  contributed to books dealing with the creation and
presentation of comics. And I knew he was far too polite to mention any of
this in defense of his own worthy ideas. So when I saw his and others'
opinions dismissed so cavalierly, I felt moved to try to alleviate some
American arrogance cast toward them.

Carry on..............................

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