Kriton Gearloose?

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at
Fri Feb 1 14:57:41 CET 2008

Yesterday, I was reading the Greek version of "Zio Paperone e l'odissea nello 
strazio" (I PM 156-1). In the third part of the story, the Ducks visit the 
future, where at some point they see a hologram of one of Gyro Gearloose's 
descendants, whose name was given in Greek as "Kriton Granazis", i.e., Kriton 

Obviously, I am very interested to know if this was this character's original 
name. Probably not, though; I suspect that the Greek translator simply chose 
to use this name because it is similar to Gyro's Greek name, Kyros (i.e., Cyrus).

"Before this regeneration you were keen on cats, and you know what curiosity
  did to them!"

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