Censorship in nordic printing of The Swamp of No Return?

timo ronkainen timoro at hotmail.com
Tue Nov 4 01:50:03 CET 2008

Hello all!
The first Finnish printing (1967) of Barks' story The Swamp of No Return had Brutopian crest with shackle and sledgehammer wiped out (censored perhaps - since it is so close to Soviet Union's sickle and hammer), so I wonder if this was done by Danish editors already. Is this the case with other nordic printings of this story too? Norwegian Donald Duck & Co 1966-15, Swedish Kalle Anka & C:o 1966-14, Danish Anders And & Co. 1966-15? Page 2 panel 6 of the story.
Best Wishes
Timo^^''*''^^ Cartoonist - writer - donaldist --- Timo Ronkainen ---------------- - YO-kylä 52 A 26 ----------------- 20540 Turku --------------------- Finland -------------------------- - 041 489 77 81------------------ - timoro at hotmail.com timoro2 at yahoo.com  ¨¨  Personal: http://www.geocities.com/timoro2/ ¨¨  Ankkalinnan Pamaus: http://www.perunamaa.net/ankistit/ ¨¨  Kvaak-sarjakuvaportaali: http://www.kvaak.fi  "Rumble on, buxom bumble bee! Go sit on a cowslip - far from me!"
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