HD&L's parents
ggk at wp.pl
Mon Oct 6 21:08:31 CEST 2008
Elaine writes :
>The hint points to their being in the vicinity of Tralla La.
> That would account for their being out of contact with Calisota and the
> rest
> of the world.
This idea makes sence to me, and I like it.
Don Rosa once point out that the story of HD&L parents return, would never
had a happy end. They either would have to vanish agian on the end, all take
the boys away from Donald (and I somehow can imagine having a scene with
HD&L telling their parents "Look, Unca Donald did take care of us, you
didn't, so we prefer to stay with him. Sorry...") Than agian "The Simpsons"
didn't had a problem showing a story of Homers Mother abanding him and
returning, withouth making it too sad, so I wonder if ther could be a way
to do somthing similar in a duck story... I seen some stories that had some
very totchy/sad moments and where done pretty well... There was this
Italian story where one of HD&L gets lost during a scubadiving mission, and
Donald and two othe boys think his dead, and emotions where shown In a great
way, without making it to sad for kids, or another story where Child servise
try to take HD&L away from Donald, and was handle in a very mature way...
Anny way, I truly don't see a problem with a HD&L parents returns, and I
don't see how it would ruin the Duck-continuity...
[Actually many writers don't care about continuity in Duck-univers set by
Carl Barks... Two days ago I read a story where Scrooge wanted to buy a
castle in Scotland beacose he NEVER had one... Oh, well...]
>"I wish to speak to you three on another matter.... My
> aide, Lahdee Dah, tells me your names are Huey, Dewey and Louis...of the
> land of Duckburg? ["well, yes, that's correct," they reply] Tralla La has
> many secrets...but one unspoken truth involves you children! But for now,
> I
> can tell you no more! If you do not succeed in saving our valley, this
> truth
> matters not! But if you do succeed, return here and we will speak!"
"Lahdee Dah" sounds a bit like a anaram for "Della"... Or I just got
obsesive? ;)
> (My godson at age 10 wanted the parents to have had to go into outer space
> for some reason to save the world;
Kids often have the most clever ideas :)
To bad the story of Della returning will never happend... But who knows?
Maybe one day...
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