Don Rosa/Disney comics

Sat Sep 27 20:31:42 CEST 2008

Leo writes writes:

Best  WIshes to all, especially to Mr. Rosa.  I was revisiting the Rosa Duck  
Family Tree, and have a few questions about the one mysterious  gap:

Does Mr. Rosa have a story, epic or otherwise, about Huey, Dewey,  and 
Louie's father, purported to be the brother of Daisy Duck?

If so,  would he ever consider giving an outline of it to another artist (Wm 
Van   Horn, etc.) to complete?

Has he come across any artist whom he  considers good enough to become the 
next Don Rosa?

And I hope the Don  Rosa Library is a great success!  

Leo Writes:

   1. Re: Questions for Don Rosa or Anyone Who Might Know (Leo Schulte)
Does Mr. Rosa have a story, epic or otherwise, about Huey, Dewey, and Louie's 
father  And although it is hard to choose, my vote for his greatest story: 
The Guardians  of the Lost Library.I would have to agree Leo, The Junior 
Woodchuck Guidebook  explanation and symbol were ingenious.

Don is in Baltimore this weekend  for the Comic Con And I asked him about the 
story idea.
I don't think it is  his responsibility to find his own replacement.
Guys like Carl Barks and Don  Rosa are pretty unique.
We will just have to hope someone finds Disney comics  themselves.

Don says he has no plans for such a story  and he has no outline to share.
Regarding Disney comics, The  license with Geppi is nearly up and let's send 
him our desire for him to  continue
I know he can't be making much if any money doing  it.
Check out the Gemstone Disney web site and contact them and let them know  
what a great job they are doing and that you want them to continue. ( 


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