Brian Tucker
dogfish35 at
Wed Feb 11 13:29:12 CET 2009
Carl Lund did not write the quote you mentioned.
The reason the buying public isn't buying Disney titles is, in part, due to
the endless reprints of Barks stories. Why spend good money for yet another
copy of a story that you already have five or six copies of?
There are good stories available, perhaps not as good as Barks/Rosa, but
still good stories that have never been printed here. I have heard from many
long standing Disney collectors that they stopped buying them because of
all the continuing reprints of Barks. I'm glad you think I posssess the
millions of dollars it would require to take up the Disney license, but
unfortunately I don't. I'm sure they haven't been profitable for some time.
Whether or not reducing the number of reprints they publish would increase
their profitability is anybody's guess, but it would improve their sales.
Yes, Gemstone is trying, but their efforts are misguided.
Ten years ago, the store I deal with had about 25 customers buying all the
Disney titles. Now they have one - me. I have been buying every Disney title
published since 1954, and still have them all.
Since you appear to be knowledgable in Gemstone's problems, have you
considered taking up the Disney license? I suspect it will be available
> From: UNDBKB at
> Subject: Gemstone
> Carl Lund Writes:
>> I fear the end of the Gemstone Disney line can't be far off, and they
>> have
>> no one to blame but themselves.
> Really, No one but themselves?
> How about the reading public who aren't buying Disney Titles,
> Or The economy!
> Or The lack of good stories!
> Or the fact that Young readers are on the Internet all day!
> Gemstone is trying, I applaud them for that.
> Maybe You could take up the Disney License and do better?
> My guess is they have not been very profitable for some time, but they are
> still trying!
> Barry Branvold
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