
Gary Leach bangfish at
Tue Feb 17 18:19:02 CET 2009


There's a strong likelihood that we in America get an even more  
fragmented view of the rest of the world from newspapers, TV and our  
so-called "talk radio." One listen to Rush Limbaugh should tell you  
plenty about the way too many Americans think, and want to think.

But anyway, I fear that American Disney comics, at least as  
periodicals, are soon going to go the way of the dodo. Then again, I  
have this fear for periodical comics in general. And I don't see  
digital distribution as any sort of solution, just considering the  
contractural issues that would be involved and the lack of a clear  
avenue to generating adequate revenues.

I'll be happy as a clam to be proved wrong about all that, though.


> Sometimes we (in Europe) get a different idea from TV fragments coming
> from the USA.
> I remember a documentary about a country&western group being  
> completely
> banned from USA radio because they had been "un-patriottic". It didn't
> matter how much they disagreed with the American president, they *had*
> to support him...
> (Okay, this may be getting a bit too much about politics. For balance,
> let me state that the prime minister of my own country is a real jerk
> and I can't wait for him to be replaced.)
> Apparently, these images are a result of selection, and therefore not
> representative for the entire USA population.

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