Q: what story?
timo ronkainen
timoro at hotmail.com
Tue Jun 16 09:53:02 CEST 2009
Hello all!
What might be this odd-sounding story?
"One Donald Duck issue revealed that a giant octopus called Ar-Finn sleeps beneath the depths in a sunken city. Our reality (or at least Donald's) exists only because Ar-Finn dreams about it. But if he wakes up, the world will start to adapt to his image, with the architecture becoming more and more alien and the people more octopoid in appearance. Also interesting to note is that Ar-Finn's subconscious mind manifests as humans in our world; a good guy who wants the dream to continue and a evil guy who wants the dream to end. It was awfully cynical for a Disney story, especially the ending, where Donald is horrified to find out that our whole existence is just a dream. Probably as close to Lovecraftian standards as Disney will come for the foreseeable future."
Found it in here: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EldritchAbomination?from=Main.CosmicHorror
Best Wishes
Cartoonist - writer - donaldist --
- Timo Ronkainen ----------------
- Suvilahdenkatu 4 A 3 -----------
- 00500 Helsinki ------------------
- Finland --------------------------
- 044 20 46 455------------------
- timoro at hotmail.com timoro2 at yahoo.com ¨¨
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