Disney comics released this week in USA (Dec 15, 2010)

The Fenske's dbfenske at telus.net
Thu Dec 16 09:53:01 CET 2010

The current state of Disney comics is such a sad affair since the demise 
of Gladstone and then Gemstone.

But the even bigger and sadder event is the retirement of Don Rosa.

I have a confession of sorts.  I purchased Disney comics a lot in the 
Disney/Gladstone/Gemstone years, but usually what
I was looking for were Carl Barks I didn't have, and anything by Don 
Rosa.  I enjoyed many of William Van Horn's stories,
but they were on their own not often enough to get me to buy.

So now, they're not reprinting Barks, and there is no new Rosa.Aside 
from some classic Gottfredson, there's not much else
in the entire Disney comic world that is actually worth reading.
Most Duck stories by other artists are really pretty lame, when you get 
down to it, and all the other stuff that used to fill out
Comics and Stories was silly stuff for little kids.   Obviously many 
will disagree with that, but for me the whole point was
Rosa followed by Barks, and the rest was filler  (although I have a soft 
spot for some of the old Paul Murray Mickey stories,
which I enjoyed as a kid.  Not sure I'd repurchase them, however.  

So I doubt I'll ever buy a Disney comic again.  I have been purchasing 
the Rosa Life of Scrooge reprints, and I hope there'll
be more of his work collected into hardcover editions.


On 15/12/2010 6:25 AM, Shad Daly wrote:
> Disney Comics scheduled to be released to comic book stores in USA and
> Canada this week (Dec 15 2010):
> Darkwing Duck #7, $3.99
> Disneys Hero Squad Volume 3 Ultraheroes The Ultimate Threat TP, $9.99
> Donald Duck And Friends #361, $2.99
> Tron Original Movie Adaptation #2 (Of 2), $3.99
> --
> Shad Z.                      ^Q^
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> My Web Site: http://shadz.homestead.com/files/
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