Don Rosa's comic publications

Stefan Persson spe at
Sat Dec 18 11:22:03 CET 2010

On 2010-12-17 18:57, Olivier wrote:
> There may very well be a way to make the search easier, though; I have
> not found it in the INDUCKS’s Advanced Search pages, but I’m sure
> François must have included some way to distinguish softcovers and
> hardcovers from comics, and thus to search for them only.

There is no standard way to specify whether a publication is a comic magazine,
daily newspaper, softcover book, hardcover book or any other kind of
publication, so it is not currently possible to design the kind of search that
you are looking for.

In some countries, people use categories for separating some kinds of
publications, but the names of these categories are not standardised and may
differ from country to country. In the USA, the only category currently in use
is "newspapers" (so it is currently only possible to split up USA publications
in two groups: "daily newspapers" and "everything else"). Anyway, there doesn't
seem to be any search option for only finding prints of stories published in
publications belonging to specific categories.


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