Fantagraphics to publish the complete Carl Barks

Matt Yaklin myaklin at
Tue Jan 4 20:26:45 CET 2011

It is good news for people that have not read the majority of
his material, have problems finding some material, etc...

I have read way too much of his material multiple times to be
spending more money on the same stories to get excited.

15 years to complete the set? That seems, well, odd. Plus
to come out with volume seven first will indeed get people
hooked but may discourage new readers buying future volumes
who expect that A grade type material every time they buy going

Maybe I am a pessimist about these things because it is just
more stuff for 30 and up year olds to get excited about... while
the real children in the US just do not have easy access to this
stuff. It will be tough to convince mom or dad to buy a 25 dollar
volume. Even tougher for kids to know it exists in the first place.

Bring back cheap comics under a buck at eye level for kids and
that will be exciting to me. (Remember penny pincher comics?)
Or get involved with schools that do those book selling things
and get offerings in there. I liked seeing Duck/Mickey comics
on sale at toys r us. Now that is the place to get them involved

I try to practice what I preach by giving away comics to small
children by the short/long box. Naturally my dog eared disney
comics are well represented along with DC/Marvel. I am at the
point I only have a few long boxes left and really expensive

I grew up with the Disney channel and every time I have the chance
at home I get the kids who are here watching old disney cartoons.
They love them!

Eh, enough rambling... I just either need the next Rosa to come
along or my place in comics will just be delegated to sharing with
others what I have and basically stop buying unless for kids. 25
bucks a pop is just too much for me to give away.


On Sun, 2 Jan 2011, Tony Leopold wrote:

> Let me amend that, as the year is only 2 days old.:
> That is the best news I have heard in a long time!
> On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 6:02 PM, Tony Leopold <tonyleopold at> wrote:
>       This is the best news I have heard all year!
>       Sent from my iPhone
> On Jan 2, 2011, at 1:46 PM, Arthur <arthurdewolf at> wrote:
>       Fantagraphics announced today that it will publish a definitive collection of Carl Barks stories! Two
>       hardcover volumes will come out every year starting this fall, at a price of about $25 per volume. Every
>       page will be recolored using the original comics as a color guide.
>       For more information see:
>       Arthur
>       _______________________________________________

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