Disney comics research and Don Rosa
Kontturi Katja
katja.j.kontturi at jyu.fi
Fri May 31 18:59:49 CEST 2013
Dear all,
I apologize for not sending any news on my PhD on Don Rosa's comics for a while. I'm glad to say it's doing great since I've received a full year grant for the year 2013. (At the moment 129 pages and going strong.)
One of my latest papers online can be found here: https://www.interdisciplinarypress.net/online-store/ebooks/evil-monsters-horror/re-presenting-magic-un-doing-evil
The eBook costs a bit, I'm sorry for that, but it includes my short article about Bombie the Zombie with analysis both on Barks and Rosa.
So far I have no presentations open for public coming up except in Finland (in Finncon - the fantasy and science fiction convention in July) and only in Finnish, sorry about that. But we've already made some plans on publishing my dissertation also in English soon after my defence in the summer 2014, I hope.
What I wanted to ask from all of you other fans are some questions that will be in great help of writing my thesis.
Firstly: Do you know any serious academic research that has been done specifically on Disney comics? (general, Barks or Rosa.)
I'm aware of Dorftman and Mattelart (not critical or decently academic), Thomas Andrae's Barks book (good one), some of Martin Barker's articles, Michael Barrier's (I think) Barks book, the Italian collection made of fans called Don Rosa - A Little Something Special, a research done in Germany (only in German) about the censorship of Disney comics and... that's about it. Anything will be helpful!
Also, if anyone knows contact information like an email address of Alberto Becattini who wrote the unofficial biography of Don, I would be grateful. I bet there's tons of research done in Italy, but it's probably in Italian, so it's really hard to find from Finnish databases. I don't speak Italian, but I know French, which is somewhat helpful and for the research I'd be happy to take some primary courses to get to read Italian research on Disney comics.
All the best from quite warm Finland,
Katja Kontturi
Katja Kontturi, FM
Tohtoriopiskelija, nuorempi tutkija
Nykykulttuurin tutkimus
PL 35
40014 Jyväskylän yliopisto
puh. 050 3473448
s-posti: katja.j.kontturi at jyu.fi
Katja Kontturi, MA
PhD Student, Younger Scholar
Contemporary Culture studies
Department of Art and Culture
PL 35
40014 University of Jyväskylä, FINLAND
tel. +358 50 3473448
email: katja.j.kontturi at jyu.fi
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