Going Places

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at alumni.princeton.edu
Sat Jul 25 07:54:50 CEST 2015

As usual, I tried to play the game of figuring out what the stories in Uncle 
Scrooge #4 were, based solely on the preview. The story "Going Places" had me 
stumped, as I couldn't find a story by Savini and Freccero, containing the 
panel shown in the contents page. Now that the comic book has been indexed in 
I.N.D.U.C.K.S., I see that the story is "Residenza estiva" (I TL 2256-04), 
which does not contain that panel.

Does anyone know from which story is that impressive panel taken, showing 
Donald thinking about Scrooge boiling in a cauldron?

The panel is on page 2 of the preview, which is available here:

"Nobody would have the gumption to tell the captain of the U.S.S. Enterprise
  he couldn't have his doctor, his dentist, his favorite carpenter, or his dog
  groomer at his side if he wanted to, security clearance or not."

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