It is time!

Nuno Silva nunojsilva at
Wed Jun 19 22:58:23 CEST 2024


On 2024-06-19 18:20 +0200, Per Starbäck wrote:
> Hello everyone who is still here!
> After a long time with very low traffic it is time to finally
> terminate this mailing list.
> The date set is August 3 this summer.
> Few of you were part of this from the very beginning, but more and
> more Disney comics fans got access to email and got to know about the
> list, and joined.
> Anyway, recently I suggested to the board of NAFS(k) that we should
> finally discontinue the list, and they agreed. It doesn't take a lot
> of resources to continue to manage it, but it seems rather pointless,
> and if someone new finds it and joins now they will probably just be
> dissatisfied when they find out there is no activity here.
> The date for termination is set to the 'birthday' of the list, August
> 3, so that the list becomes 32 years old – quite a respectable age for
> a mailing list!

I'm saddened to hear (read) this. While I've never been much active in
this list (I wish I had found more topics to write about :-)), it was
happy that once in a while something related to Disney Comics would
reach my mailbox via the DCML.

Personally, this is perhaps the best medium I can think of for this kind
of discussion group. Without the list, the closest one I can think of
would be network news with USENET. (If anyone here knows of an existing
USENET group for disney comics, please let me know about it!)

(And I'm not saying it'd be a replacement, I'm sure there will be people
who are following the list by mail but who aren't able or don't want to
follow a group on USENET. (And that's okay!))

(A small note might sadly be necessary here: USENET is a text discussion
medium, sadly it has also been (ab)used for file sharing. This means
it's possible some of you might have only heard of the second use of
USENET. But there's a whole world outside of "binary" groups, and
nowadays, access usually has to be done via free servers that only carry
the text groups anyway.)

Outside of text-based mediums that don't rely on the web (which are the
ones I prefer), I've been playing a bit with the fediverse via Mastodon
(mostly an experiment, it has, in my opinion, some shortcomings and I'm
still not sure I'll be using it long-term): there I follow the
#DisneyComics hashtag.

> The list *archive* is a treasure which surely will be kept. There is a
> lot to be found there, and it should continue to be a valuable
> resource at least for anyone interested in Disney comics fandom during
> that time. [...]

Definitely :-)

> I will end this announcement with the same .sig quote I used back
> then.

Huge thanks to you and to everyone else involved in running DCML through
the years, and to all who posted to and/or read the list. It has been
great to have the list around for so long!

> -- 
> Per Starbäck
>  "Life is but a gamble!  Let flipism chart your ramble!"
> _______________________________________________

Nuno Silva

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