På jakt efter en Kalle Anka-serie

David Petersson david.petersson at protonmail.com
Fre Feb 5 10:55:17 CET 2021

Jag håller på att läsa Dorfman & Mattelarts How to read Donald Duck : imperialist ideology in the Disney comic och där refereras det till en Kalle Anka-serie som jag gärna vill hitta.

Så här står det i boken:

"The city-as-monster reaches its nerve-wracking peak when Donald, in order to get some sleep at night in the face of heavy traffic and the hooting, roaring, and screaming of brakes, closes off the road in front of his house. He is fined by the police. He protests: "I don't have any written authorization, but I do have the right to some peaceful sleep." "You're wrong!" interrupts the policemen. So Donald embarks on a crazy hunt for the necessary authorization: from the police station to the home of the police chief, and then to the town hall to speak to the mayor, who, however, can only sign "orders approved by the city council"...

I boken står det att serien bl.a. ska finnas i Disneylandia #165, men när jag söker fram den publikationen i Inducks kan jag inte lokalisera serien där.

Någon av er vet säkerligen och kanske kan hjälpa mig att hitta rätt seriekod :)
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