from RoC

Lasse Reichstein Nielsen lrn at
Wed Dec 8 08:01:43 CET 1993

EULOGY WARNING! ("Dutchland, Dutchland uber alles")

After holding my breath for a long month, I have finally recieved my
first issues of Dutch Donald Duck (DDD). IMHO it is the best of'em all.
Cover *art*, tasteful colors, beautiful lettering... and the stories
range from early american to modern dutch.
If I could only have one Donald Duck a week, this would be it!


Speaking of colors; Harry once said, that DDD relied on Egmont's staff
to do the colors. But this issue (93-46) prints a Vicar story (D 91374)
that was in Danish 93-05... and the colors don't match at all. Looking
closer, it appeared that the speech bubbles were differently sized and
shaped. Funny thing is, that though the Danish ones were usually way too
big - due to typed captions and the fact that they must fit all Nordic
languages including Finnish - both has parts that are covered in the
other. Mostly they are alike however. What *I* want to know is:
Does a Dutch editor have a Dutch edit the odds?

If you are still reading, Harry, I got hold of your personal message and
the "koffie pot" quote was from the flashback in "Terug naar Klondike."
Now, what is a "stavenuiter?"

GHOST STORY (Dane: "I did it!")

I witnessed another duckrelated item on TV. Lars Jacobsen has his
second album out in Denmark (no funny animals or whatever.) He also
admitted to doing pencils for Donald Duck, in order to eat every day.
A rough halfpage was shown, then the finished with Santanach's name on
it. I firmly believed that Vicar & Co. did it all by themselves.
I also used to believe that Mickey Mouse is pooh, that Carl Barks is
A Nice Guy and that there *is* a San'ty Clause...

SHOW AND TELL (Duck a la Gerstein)

Could you, David, please tell us all a little about how you go about
doing scripts for Disney? Or is it Egmont's payroll you are on? Have
you been briefed about - or even better, recieved a written law of -
"do-s and don't-s" like the infamous Gutenberghus Code of the 70'es?
You do the plots as well as the scripts? Do you have any contact with
the artists - or a choise of them?

OPI ENGLANTIA-KIRJOJA (Somebody misspelled your name, Topi!)

I have just filled in an order form for a 111 page English-Finnish
picture dictionary with illustrations from Al Taliaferro's DD strips.
At least that's what I *think* I did. I sure could use one!
Is it true that 'Roope-Set"a' (Finnish Uncle Scrooge pocket) has a one
pager by Barks *in English* every issue?!


-  Ole Reichstein  -  Merry Christmas and Happy Chanukah  -

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