
Gianfranco Goria - Anonima Fumetti - Italian Cartoonists Society goria at inrete.alpcom.it
Sat Jun 3 00:46:28 CEST 1995

>| I don't know what the story is called in english, but in
>| Sweden it is called "Den stora Strandletardagen". Does anyone
>| know what it is called in english
>Could be this one:
> W/WDC 224        10  BH2           DD  Den store strandfesten
> WDC 224          10  WDCiC37       DD  The Beachcombers' Picnic
>but this isn't the only beach party story.

Well, the only story published on WDC 224  (may, 1959) was a 10 pages (Barks
finished it on march, 19th 1958: who makes the strangest gift will be with
Daisy at the party; HDL win!), republished on DA&DD, april 1974,  and it was
the remake of an old Barks story (another 10 pages, published on WDC 117,
june 1950, republished on WDC 299, 1965: who finds the daisy will be with
Daisy at the party; HDL win!). 
>From the *complete* Carl Barks Guide by Franco Fossati.
Anonima Fumetti - Italian cartoonists society, Italy.

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