Re Birthdays

Peter Connee connee at
Mon Sep 11 07:41:24 CEST 1995


>Of which characters do you want to have the birthdays? I can help you 
>with a list of first appearances of Barks-characters. In this case 
>you can choose between two "birthdays":

>1.  The date on which Barks sent his material to the editor. 
>2.  The date on which the material was actually published.

I would be very intereasted in such a list of Barks-characters and if I have 
to choose a birthday I would choose the first publishing date.

I am looking for such information of every character. At the www- and the 
ftp-server at, I have found information about the characters names 
in several languages. My goal is to make a list with the birthdays of these. 
I guess that your information can be a good start of such a project.

/Peter Connee

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