I'm back, I think

"Jørgen Andreas Bangor" jorgenb at ifi.uio.no
Wed Dec 22 16:40:31 CET 1999

Hi, David!

I don't think I ever came as far as to congratulate you with that 
editor job. So now I will: Congratulations!

| So - *do* continue!

Ok. I will then. Glad to know you're working on Black Pete as well as
the Blot. I've missed them. I remember the first time I read the 
Gottfredson story where the Blot appears for the first time. I was
about nine years old at the time, and used to the weak Blot (in the
late seventies). Wow! What an experience that was!

| Sorry to be a critic,

I'd make you feel sorry if you weren't ;-) Seriously, I'm glad people
tell me when I'm wrong. It's not very funny continuing to be wrong,
and annoying people by being so.
| 	(This isn't necessarily what *I* myself agree with, but it's our
| standing editorial rule, at least for right now.)

It's ok by me, and Duckburg is in Norway, of course...


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