Emil Eagle, Oolated squiggs, etc.

Kriton Kyrimis kyrimis at cti.gr
Mon Mar 6 13:15:37 CET 2000


> Emil, a Gyro Gearloose villain who's 
> hitherto appeared exclusively in Gyro and Duck stories

Emil Eagle has been used in MM stories by Murry (I remember one where
he had invented a boiler-shaped robot with a funnel for a nose!), and
he's often appeared in Super Goof stories as the villain. I don't know
if Barks invented or just used this character, but Emil ceased belonging
exclusively to the duck universe a long time ago.

>     Finally, Don Rosa himself occasionally seems to have veered from his 
> stated policy of making all his characters ducks, dogs, or occasionally pigs. 
> I was recently rereading his delightful story "Oolated Luck," and who do we 
> see as supporting characters but the Phishkisser Brothers,

I would think that, like Roger Rabbit, who can only do something if it
is funny, Don adheres strictly to the duck/dog/pig rule, unless veering
from it is funny.

> (And, Don, I have to know...is there really such a thing as oolated 
> squiggs? I've never heard of them, and always assumed not...but it'd be just 
> like you to toss in something real, especially if it had an outrageous name 
> like that. Cf: Monkey's Eyebrow, Kentucky...)

After reading "Oolated Luck", I couldn't stop myself laughing at the
thought of the name "oolated squigg". However, the credit for the name
must go to Barks, who used the term as a background detail in a panel
in one of his stories (which?). As to whether it means anything, well,
of course it does; as you well know, squiggs are slippery, so they
oolate them!!!

OK, for those who relly want to know, a squigg is a crossing between a
squid and a fig. This animal is coated with a thick layer of a greasy
substance that is used in the cosmetics industry (the well-known Oil of
Oolay series of cosmetics use it as a base), oolation is the process of
extracting this oil, and yes, I'm making all this up. :-)

	Kriton	(e-mail: kyrimis at cti.gr)
	      	(WWW:    http://dias.cti.gr/~kyrimis
"I don't think I'm quite hostage material, actually. You usually find the job
 spec requires a small blonde screamer who trips and faints at the slightest

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