DCML digest, Vol 1 #389 - 10 msgs

bhc@primenet.com bhc at primenet.com
Tue Jan 30 18:43:46 CET 2001

Sigve Jacob:

>Hi, I'm just a young norwegian student living in Rouen in France who 
>is wondering
>how to buy Don's great "the life and times of scrooge mcduck" in the original
>written language...

In addition to checking the Gladstone web site at 
you can also phone us at 1-520-776-1300 or fax us at 1-520-445-7536 
to check on the availability of this series, and place an order.

"Good night, and may God Bless...good night." - Red Skelton
Gladstone on the Web: http://www.brucehamilton.com/gladstone

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