W DD 30-02

Martin Olsen martin_olsen at post.tele.dk
Sat Nov 23 16:01:00 CET 2002

> Harry wrote:
> >>>This might be:
> >>>W DD   30-02, 14 pages, Fallberg/Bradbury, no title
> >>>[desc:Pokerface mine] [xapp:DD,HDL,GL]
> >>>The guy's Dutch name is Jeremias Borstel. German: Schwindolar Schwan.
> I don't think so... there is a picture of him in Ed van Schuijlenburg's Duck Family Tree (http://goofy313g.free.fr/calisota_online/trees/germantree.html), right under scrooge's parents... I haven't been able to find where he fame from and how he was linked to the Ducks, so even if you didn't answer right, Harry, you helped somebody..


> I don't think there is a beggar cousin in this story (W DD   30-02)because:
> 1): the story isn't said in I.N.D.U.C.K.S. to feature Scrooge McDuck, so why would there be a cousin of him?
> 2) if there were a cousin of Scrooge in the story, he would be in the family tree we talked about too, as Schwidolar is... (it's not obvious, as the tree features ""wee" angus mcduck" and not "Slye Mcduck", although both cousins appear in the same strobl story, but this would be more logical)
> we'd need to know schwindolar's original name, but if his surname is "swan", then he could be related to Gladstone's relative Susiebelle Swan (from the barks story about eldorado)

The name of the character in W DD   30-02 is Pokerface McDuck. He does not appear in the story, because he is dead. 
The story is about Donald and Gladstone being his heirs. Donald gets a framed portrait of Pokerface McDuck (hence the possibility of including his picture in modern reconstructed family trees), and Gladstone gets a grandfather clock. Concealed in the frame of the portrait is a map to the lost Pokerface mine. After a desert adventure with Donald and the boys searching in vain for the mine near a town called Parched Springs, but finding the loot from a bank robbery instead, they return to Duckburg to find out that Gladstone's clock had also contained concealed papers. These papers were the deeds to some property in Parched Springs.

So: No beggar cousin, but a deceased relative, in W DD   30-02. On the first page of the story Donald points his name out on the family tree with the remark: "Here he is... way out on this limb!" 


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