Branca/VP Ad/ DDA10/Questions ZeldasTriforce at
Fri Feb 4 06:58:58 CET 2005

Hi all!

Talking about Branca for a moment, I hope that Gemstone in some way 
acknowledges his death in a future issue. It would be good to let readers know about 
it/more about him as I think a fair amount of readers don't know much about the 
comics creators beyond say Barks, Rosa, etc. Even I don't know as much as I 
would like, so it would be nice if something was included about his 

The Vacation Parade 2 ad in WDC 653 and US 338 is great. Like an ad for old 
serial movie. :)

Congratulations to Gemstone on DDA's tenth issue. Let's face it, it's almost 
impossible for anything new to make it to its 10th issue in nowadays US comic 
market, so it's something of an accomplishment to reach that milestone.

Questions: What is the story code for "Duck of the Deep" in WDC 653? Also, in 
the editor's corner, John Clark talks about how he bought the 
work-in-progress story from the Blocks just before Gladstone went kaput in 1999. Has the 
story been finished for years now or was it only recently fully completed when it 
was scheduled for publication? Thanks!

Derek Smith
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