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Don Rosa - Secondary literature
A list of of secondary literature about Don Rosa
collected by Joachim Butz for an article in Der
Donaldist. It's in German, but includes German as well as
American items, and the information on American items is probably
mostly readable even for those who don't read German.
Literature written in English
- Don Rosa, Keno: Preface. Don Rosa's Comics & Stories # 1, July 1983.
- Stern, Roger: Once Upon A Time. Don Rosa's Comics & Stories #1, July 1983.
- Don Rosa, Keno: Preface. Don Rosa's Comics & Stories # 2, ?
- Don Rosa, Keno: Afterword. Walt Disney's DONALD AND SCROOGE. Disney Comics, Burbank, 1992.
- Blum, Geoffrey: Portrait of the Artist as a Duckman. US 219, August 1987.
- An Interview with Don Rosa. Teil 1. Advance Comics # 53, May 1993, p. 26-27.
- An Interview with Don Rosa. Teil 2. Advance Comics # 54, June 1993, p. 22-24.
- Mougin, Lou: Interview with Writer/Artist Don Rosa. Comics Interview # 13, July 1984, p.28-45 (11 pages).
- ???. Comics Journal No. 130
- TP: Don Rosa Gives Uncle Scrooge a Past. The Comics Journal # 164, December 1993, p. 25-27.
- Blum, Geoffrey: Introduction. Gladstone Comic Album Special No. 4. Uncle Scrooge vs. Flintheart Glomgold.
- Erickson, Byron: The Cruelest Cuts of all. US 241, February 1990.
- Don Rosa, Keno: L&T. Part 1. US 285. April 1994.
- Don Rosa, Keno: L&T. Part 2. US 286. June 1994.
- Don Rosa, Keno: L&T. Part 3. US 287. August 1994.
- Don Rosa, Keno: L&T. Part 4. US 288. October 1994.
- Don Rosa, Keno: L&T. Part 5. US 289. December 1994.
- Don Rosa, Keno: L&T. Part 6. US 290. February 1994.
- Don Rosa, Keno: L&T. Part 7. US 291. April 1994.
- Don Rosa, Keno: L&T. Part 8. US 292. June 1994.
- Don Rosa, Keno: L&T. Part 9. US 293. August 1994.
- Don Rosa, Keno: L&T. Part 10. US 294. October 1994.
- Don Rosa, Keno: L&T. Part 11. US 295. December 1994.
- Don Rosa, Keno: L&T. Part 12. US 296. February 1995.
- Gabner, Gary. (Annotations to L&T ) US 288. October 1994.
- Gabner, Gary. (Annotations to L&T ) US 289. December 1994.
- Gabner, Gary. (Annotations to L&T ) US 290. February 1994.
(L&T = The Making of 'His Life and Times')
- Blum, Geoffrey: Introduction. Gladstone Comic Album No. 28. Uncle Scrooge and Donald Duck.
- Blum, Geoffrey: ?? Carl Barks Library, Set VI, S. 375.
- Hamilton, Bruce: The Painting Behind the Story. DDA No.
12, May 1989.
- Blum, Geoffrey: Cross Talk. DDA No. 5, July 1988.
- Blum, Geoffrey: Cross Talk. DDA No. 8, October 1988.
- Blum, Geoffrey: Cross Talk. DDA No. 12, May 1989.
- Blum, Geoffrey: Cross Talk. USA No. 5, June 1988.
- Blum, Geoffrey: Cross Talk. USA No. 14, August 1989.
- Blum, Geoffrey: Cross Talk. USA No. 17, November 1989.
- Blum, Geoffrey: Cross Talk. USA No. 20, March 1990.
- Blum, Geoffrey: Cross Talk. USA No. 21, May 1990.
- Blum, Geoffrey: Cross Talk.WDC&St No. 523, October 1987.
- Don Rosa, Keno: To Der Donaldist readers. Der Donaldist
82, 17. Jhg, Dezember 1992, S. 63.
- Comics Buyer's Guide # 1057, p. 34. (s. US 289, Mail Bin).
- The Calisota Handbook on the Works of Barks & Rosa. 1st
Edition 1993. Calisota Publishers, Naples 1993.
- Harvey, R.C.: Adventures of Don Rosa in Scandinavia
and elsewhere. Comic Buyer's Guide # 1030, August
13, 1993, p. 25 - 28.
- Harvey, R.C.: Don Rosa -- One Happy Fella. Cartoonist
Profiles 99 (September 93), p. 53 - 61.
- TP: Don Rosa gives Uncle Scrooge a Past.
The Comics Journal # 164, December 1993, p. 25 - 27.
- Kreiner, Rich: The Secret Origin of the World's Richest
Duck. Don Rosa's Biography of Scrooge McDuck. The
Comics Journal # 177, May 1995, p. 47 - 49.
- Don Rosa, Keno: Surprise. The Comics Journal # 178,
June 1995, p. 6 - 7.
- Gabbard, Dana: Don Rosa. Interview. Part I.The Comics Journal # 183, January 1996, p. 82 - 106 (25 pages).
- Gabbard, Dana: Don Rosa. Interview. Part II.The Comics Journal # 184, February 1996, p. 107 - 113 (7 pages).
- Harvey, R. C.: Don Rosa. Interview. Part III.The Comics
Journal # 185, March 1996, p. 101 - 111 (11 pages).
- Shane, Dan: "The Scrooge McDuck Page"
- Fluks, Harry; Starbäck, Per (Ed.): Don Rosa. Quotes
Don Rosa on himself , his
duck stories and ducks in general.
Literature written in German
- Krisman, Jörg: Rosa Zeiten für die Enten. Der Donaldist Nr. 67, März 1989, S. 28 - 29.
- Superdon hat wieder zugeschlagen. Der Donaldist Nr. 81, 17. Jhg., Okt. 1992, S. 13 - 15.
- Kronsbein, Bernd: Don Rosa. Sein Leben, seine Träume (1). Comic Speedline 4/94, S. 7 - 9.
- Kronsbein, Bernd: Don Rosa. Sein Leben, seine Träume (2). Comic Speedline 5/94, S. 13 - 15.
- Auf den Spuren des Duckman. Don Rosa aus Kentucky. Tock Tock - Das Kundenmagazin. EHAPA, Frühjahr 94.
- Blum, Geoffrey: Das Märchen vom Rattenfänger in den
Comics von Carl Barks. Barks Library Special. Daniel
Düsentrieb Nr. 2, S. 51. (= dt. Übersetzung von [22]).
- ohne Titel. Onkel Dagobert. Sein Leben, seine Milliarden.
Teil 1, hintere Umschlagsseite.
- Laqua, Carsten: Disney dreht auf. Von Gladstone zum
Kommerz - die neuen Disney-Comics kommen. Die
Sprechblase Nr. 107, 15. Jhg., Mai 1990.
- Topolino-Interwiev mit Carl Barks. Der Donaldist 88, 19.
Jhg., Juni 1994, S. 32.
SCHWÖR - Don Rosa in Deutschland.
Der Donaldist 88, 19. Jhg., Juni 1994, S. 41 - 43.
- Kaps, Joachim: Ein Leben mit den Ducks. Das Don Rosa-
Interview. Comixene 43/51, 10. Jhg., Juni/Juli/August 1994,
S. 8 - 16.
- Granacher, Rene: Lizenz entzogen. Disney Comics bei
Gladstone eingestellt. ICOM-Info Nr. 47, Febr. 1990, S. 58.
- Barks total. Interview mit G. Helnwein. Der Donaldist 81, 17. Jhg, Oktober 1992, S. 38 - 41.
- Focus ??? /s. Bemerkung bei Kaps, Comixene Interview/
- Anton, Uwe; Hahn, Ronald M.: Donald Duck - Ein Leben in
Entenhausen, S. ??. Thomas Tilsner Vlg., München 1994.
- Budde, Martin: Dagoberts Erinnerungen. Don Rosa auf den
Spuren von Carl Barks. Comic Speedline Heft 44, 4. Jhg.,
Dezember/ Januar '94/'95, S. 32-39 (3 S.).
- Holle, Peter: Entenhausen liegt bei Frankfurt. Feier zu
Donalds 60.. Frankfurter Rundschau, 6.6.1994.
- Holle, Peter: Die Ente Donald ist der Mensch von ne-
benan. Fans guckten zu, als sich Cartoonist Rosa mit
seinem Bürzel-Tier schwer tat. Frankfurter Rundschau,
- C. G.: Entenhausen ist überall. Carl Barks. Kino News,
Mai 95 (McDonalds Zeitschrift).
- Gröning; Wolschke-Bulmahn: Gärten im Comic-Strip.
Garten + Landschaft 10/95, S. 17 - 21.
- Wiljes, Cord: Sein Leben, seine Milliarden. Don Rosas
Dagobert-Biographie komplett. Comic Speedline Heft
51, August/September 1995, S. 46 - 51 (5 S.).
- Wieland, Mathias: Duck-Zeichner Don Rosa. Seinen
ganzen Erfolg verdankt er einer Ente - und ist nicht ein-
mal boese, wenn man ihm das sagt! SUBWAY 8/95, S. 21.
Last updated July 24, 1997.
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