The Life and Times of $crooge McDuck".
The next project I started to consider is one they've been asking me for in Finland... a $crooge story involving the KALEVALA. But I soon realized that would require me to read a 675 page book of symbolic free-verse poetry about a subject with which I'm totally unfamiliar! I don't have that time luxury... so I set that idea aside until I find someone who can supply me with a long synopis and good analyzation before trying it again. (I asked about "Cliff Notes" on the book, but no luck.)
[May 5, 1999, answering a question on how the story is coming along:]
Ooooh, sooooo sloooooow. I have finished pencilling it. Now I am ready to start inking. That will take another 5-6 weeks! This is the most complex story I've yet done. For one thing, it's 33 pages long, that's 9 pages longer than normal and 3 pages longer than any Duck story I've yet done. Also, there is a lot of complex art, such as detailed tracings of custom-shot photographs taken around Helsinki for the scenes where Iku-Turso is running wild through town, from the train station to Senate Square. Whew!
The Kalevala story will probably be published by in Europe around November 1999.
Don Rosa on the list, January 1997:
That 1987 Duck drawing of mine that you say is in the new DER DONALDIST isn't close to being my first. I'd done spot illustrations for my RBCC "Information Center" of the Ducks as far back as 1972... and I did an entire comic story all about the lives of the Ducks since the 50s, sort of a mild "underground" type thing, done about 1970. That story has been completely lost in the ensuing years... I doubt if it will ever turn up again. Some fanzine publisher had it and was surely too scared to publish it. But I never drew the Ducks when I was a kid, 1951-1969... I only drew real people (who LOOKED like real people) in my comics.
The Scrooge McDuck Page: This page from Dan Shane and Don Rosa himself is (as of yet) mostly about
The Life and Times of Scrooge McDuck.
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