Rosa: Captain Kentucky

Andrew Krieg 5-5379 krieg at
Tue Aug 4 20:26:50 CEST 1992

Before Don Rosa started working for Disney, he produced comic strips for
a local paper in Kentucky.  3 reprint volumes were published by Rosa himself
of the adventures of Captain Kentucky.  Does anyone have a spare volume 2
or 3 they would care to sell?  Rosa also published a title called "The Art
of Don Rosa" (or was is the best?).  I have volume 1 of that title, and was
wondering if anyone knew if other volumes existed.

=     Andrew Krieg	| 						=
= krieg at|  Treguna   Mekoides   Trecorum   Satis   Dee	=
=	   or		|						=
= krieg at| 				    - Astoroth	=

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