
Per Starb{ck starback at Minsk.DoCS.UU.SE
Mon Apr 26 23:58:45 CEST 1993

Jellybean wrote:
> sorry, my mistake

and then Jellybean wrote:
> sorry, my mistake

So what was your mistake?  Typing that twice?  :-)
(As for my last name, see my signature at the end of this message.)

> (From 1987 to 1992, every [monthly] issue of 'DD Extra' had a reproduction
> of a Barks oil painting on the back. They stopped this, because they ran out 
> of reproduceable paintings.)

I envy you.  The Oil Painting Book is the only one of the expensive
numbered collector's item type of things that I regret that I didn't
buy, and I do hope that there eventually will be a "popular edition"
of it.
--       "
Per Starback, Uppsala, Sweden.  email: starback at
 "Ta ta, boys!  I'll see you in the funny papers!"

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