Uncensored Mouse

gadducci@.di.unipi.it gadducci at .di.unipi.it
Fri Aug 27 14:04:05 CEST 1993

George wrote:

>Continuing from Fredrick's comments. Uncensored Mouse #2 (I don't
>know the title of the second story) ends in a cliff hanger. 
>Disney did attempt to sue Eternity on the grounds of a trademark 
>violation and I think Eternity dropped the title and recalled 
>UM #2 because it wasn't worth fighting about (this is why UM #2 
>is harder to find). Just as interesting as Gottfredson's 
>excellent intial two MM stories (ca. 1930) are the essays in UM 
>1 and 2 which rag on Disney for not giving Gottfredson (and Barks) 
>more recognition and $$ for their work  and lament the 
>transformation of Mickey into a yuppie corporate spokesman.

I think the title of the second story was "MM in the death valley", and in
the first strips there is the first appareance of Horace and Clarabelle. If
I remember right (I'm moving, and I've not the references pronto), the
first story started at the end of 1930 (n November, I think...), and I'm
sure that the authors of that one were Iwerks and Disney himself.

>I've been meaning to go to the local library and try to 
>find the MM serial in an old newspaper on microfiche (Eternity
>found them in the Oakland Tribune).  I highly recommend these 
>two comics to you guys (they used go for $10 each but I now 
>sometimes see them in "quarter" bins).

Ehm, well... all Gottfredson stories have been reprinted several times here
in Italy, and if you can read Italian, I can send you a copy ;-D.

If not, you can buy "MM in colour", a wonderful collection of Gottfredson
earlier works which is available from Bear Mountain Enterprise for 160$
(Hardcover, big sized, with a record, signed by Gottfredson and Barks...
gosh, you cannot lose it) or a paperback edition (w/o all the Barks related
stuff) directly from Russ Cochran for 20$.
I'll send the addresses if someone is interested (and not before two or
three days: I'm still moving!!)

Fabio Gadducci           Dip. di Informatica
                         Universita` di Pisa
Tel. +39-50-510268       Corso Italia 40, 56100 PISA (ITALY)
FAX: +39-50-510226       E-mail:gadducci at di.unipi.it

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