+Postage Due+Disney-comics digest #187.

Don Rosa 72260.2635 at CompuServe.COM
Sat Dec 18 05:29:32 CET 1993

	Thanks for relaying my comments to Charles Buchanan. I still
strongly disclaim that I made any comments about R.A.D., but just as I
said, I asked someone there IF that's what it was like. Did you make
sure that idea was posted there? As far as reactions, I supposedly was
sent the reactions from the R.A.D. members, all of which were favorable
to my desire to avoid such people along with an interest in hearing more
comments and news from me, though I received no further invitations
after that.
	I'm sure I made some comment to R.A.D. about Mickey's lack of
popularity in the comic books... and pretty much ANYWHERE since the
30's, certainly compared to DD, because the R.A.D. members have no
notion of this fact... they are the people who only see the modern
American concentration on Mickey as a corporate symbol and merchandising
cutie, and think that's all there is. I always like to shake people from
the idea that these are something more than faces on T-shirts, and it's
mostly only in the comic books and newspaper strips that these
characters realized a fraction of their potential.
	And you're saying that MM comics were only less successful than
DD comics for Gladstone because the production costs were greater.
Nonsense. MM comics just don't sell as many as DD comics. Check the
statements of ownership. Maybe it's true that Gladstone could keep
publishing MM comics if not for the higher production costs that you
know of, but they still don't sell as well as DD. Whether or not MM
WOULD have been more popular if such and such an artist hadn't quit
doing stories decades ago, maybe you're right... but that doesn't change
the facts as they are now.

	See... there's even a little more disinformation about something
I've said over there on R.A.D. It's gotten to where I get hit by
something like this every couple of weeks. Why do people take these
cheap shots? It's hard to say why or where it all originates. I know
where SOME of it originates, such as stuff you've seen in CBG and some
comments in German fanzines -- we discussed this once about a month
ago... didn't you read between the lines? I'm not going to blurt out
accusations the cowardly way they do, so you'll need to figure it out
for yourself based on your own observations.
	This last bit in the Jippes interview seems to have come from
Blum, or from that other source THROUGH Blum. I've yet to contact him
to find out the reasons for it. This sort of thing is so tiresome! Feh.

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