Warning: this letter can be harmless...

Per Starback starback at Minsk.DoCS.UU.SE
Sun May 9 11:02:35 CEST 1993

Luigi wrote:
> - All the ducks are NAKED below their ...ehm... navel.
>   They wear only shirts or jackets!
>   But they wear hats...
> ...
> - Sometimes MM has not shoes, but he has ALWAYS gloves: WHY?

Why not?  Maybe a Duckburgian might be astonished that you are NAKED
on your ...ehm... hands.  And marvel about someone sometimes not
wearing a shirt, but ALWAYS trousers!

That there are dog-animals and dog-humans, mouse-animals and
mouse-humans etc. is no problem to me.  It's only a bit troublesome
with characters like Chip & Dale who sometimes cross the boundary in
some ways.  So I rather think it strange when, in Barks's "The Gilded
Man", the ducks' find it discomforting to find stuffed (animal) ducks.

> - When Goofy become SuperGoofy he doesn't wear any mask,
>   but NOBODY recognize him!! Are not they all fools?

Maybe that is somehow part of his super powers?  By the way, the name
is "Super Goof" without an ending y.  If there'd been one then the
similarity of names would of course make anyone realize that they are
the same. :-)

Finally I'd like to remind you all of my quote quiz.  There are only a
few days left to enter it before the deadline.  (Mail your answers to
me Wednesday or sooner *Greenwich Mean Time*.  So better mail it
Tuesday if you live in America.)
--       "
Per Starback, Uppsala, Sweden.  email: starback at student.docs.uu.se
 "Ta ta, boys!  I'll see you in the funny papers!"

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