Missing Rosa stories!

Jan Lund Thomsen d24 at aarhues.dk
Wed May 19 16:23:54 CEST 1993

Finally time to write something, this education is killing me slowly :)

 I, like everyone else, would like to complete my collection of Don Rosa's
stories for Disney/Gladstone/Egmont, etc.
At this time I have a copy of all his work, except:

 "Give unto Others" & "On a Silver Platter", which (as far as I'm informed)
were printed in M&D #17 & U$ADV #20.

 I would _ really _ like to get my hands on these two, even xeroxed copies
would be appreciated... (I don't know if I'm violating any incredibly complex
copyright laws by saying this)...

 So if _ you _ would like to help a fellow disneyfreak, e-mail me at the adress
below, and we'll discuss it on a private e-mail basis.


P.S.: Excuse my bad english, but I've had a _ very _ hard day designing

   "I think that fish is nice but    | Jan Lund Thomsen
    then again, I think that rain    | d24 at dec5102.aarhues.dk
    is wet so who am I to judge?"    | 
                                     | College of Information Technology, 
                - Douglas Adams      | Aarhus, Denmark

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