Sudden drop in activity. Imminent death of net predicted.

Per Starback starback at Minsk.DoCS.UU.SE
Tue Nov 2 14:55:36 CET 1993

David Gerstein:
>	Well, that's all for now.  Sudden drop in the activity in
>these digests, and just *why* is to me, unknown.

Mark Semich:
> Probably because Don Rosa is out of town :-)

And Harry Fluks.  And I've been pretty busy elsewhere.  There's no
surprise that shows, because that's some of the most frequent posters
here.  In October there were 214 messages, most of which came from

 1. David Gerstein	36
 2. Per Starback	28
 3. Mattias Hallin	26
 4. Don Rosa		22
 5. Mark Semich		17
 6. Torsten Adair	15
 7. Harry Fluks		14
 8. Fredrik Ekman	13
 9. Even Flood		 6
10. Chris Clawton	 5
(and 15 other posters)


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