Stand up and be heard!!!.. Please!
Gilbert Milburn
gilbert at
Fri Sep 17 18:44:43 CEST 1993
Hello everyone (long time no nothing!),
Last time in... Disney-comics digest #101:
> Date: Wed, 15 Sep 93 23:10:18 EDT
> From: Hans.Koehling.Pedersen at HOSTESS.GRAPHICS.CS.CMU.EDU
> Subject: Thanks!
> Having been "a quiet lurker" on this list for a looong time, I
> thought that the ***100th*** list would be a nice opportunity to
> thank Per for all the work he has put into this. Also thanks to
> David, Torsten, Harry, Gilbert, James, Wilmer, Andrew, and
> certainly not least to Don Rosa for having made many lonely
> nights at school a little more enjoyable!
> As most of you subscribers to this list probably know most of
> Barks' work, I think it could be fun to hear more about which
> stories you think are the best. I can't remember that we have had
> such a vote on the list before; forgive me in case I missed it!
On behalf of: Per, Don, David, Torsten, Harry, Fredrik, James,
Wilmer, Andrew, and all the rest.. I'll like to say that you are most
`welcome'. And might I add, that I know how you feel, this
list/digest is a great help for the lonely college student (or
otherwise)! And also on behalf of those mention above, let me
thank you, for coming out from the ranks of the `lurkers'it good to
hear from you guys! =D So, way to go Hans (and keep it up =)!!..
this is something which I've meant to address many times! So, I'm
going to do exactly that!!
Way back in Disney-comics digest #18...
> Date: Tuesday, 11 May 1993 15:44 PT
> From: rich.bellacera at
> Subject: o/~ Now it's time to say goodbye...o/~
> Hi everyone. I'm sorry to say that I will be loosing my account
> by the end of this month. My company is having *another* lay-off
> and I'm slated to be released this time around.
> I will really miss this group. I've learned quite a lot about
> the past of Disney Comics and their masters (Carl, Don, Floyd, et
> al). Oh well. I'll maintain the e-mail address and maybe one
> day you'll hear from me again. Until the end of the month I'd
> like to maintain my membership, tho.
>> My name is Chris Lawton. I have lived in Pleasanton, CA (about
>> 40 mile east San Francisco or about 10 miles west of Lawrence
>> Livermore Labratories) for past 17 years. I'm now 25.
> Hi Chris. I live just a few miles from you (in San Jose) and
> pass by Pleasonton everytime I drive to my brother's house (in
> Dixon). So, Howdy neighbor.
> To the rest: Take care. I'll try to post one final time (at
> least) before I'm completely gone.
..Don't be like poor Richard, to wait until your going to
logoff for the last time, before you say anything! Although, Rich
submitted quite a bit to the list, if my memory serves me
Then a little later:
> Date: Tue, 11 May 1993 23:46:07 -0500 (CDT)
> From: Torsten Wesley Adair <torsten at>
> Subject: Re: Various replies
> [...]
> Good move! Maybe that is something we all ought to do?
> Ahem. My name is Torsten Adair. I am a library science student
> who hopes to infiltrate libraries from the inside, and thus
> expose a greater number of the American populace to the wonders
> and excitement of reading comic books. I am 23 years old, and I
> once read the Dell/Western/Gold Key Disney as a child. I
> started collecting comic books in 1984, and bought the early
> Gladstones. While not a devout Disney Comics collector, I do
> enjoy the stories, and I find them a nice balance to the more
> heavier Cerebus and Sandman. My mother comes from Hanover,
> Germany, which explains how an American like myself got such a
> non-American name.
I agree with Torsten (although, it was long ago!) and believe
that it would be outstanding to know a little more about my fellow
allies of the net! So, here goes nothing...
Uh-hem, Hello, my full name is: Gilbert Brady Milburn
(although, most of my friends and family call me Gil!). I am an
Art Major and a CIS Minor who hopes to one day be a cartoonist
(that's half as good as Mr. Rosa!!). I am 25 years old and have
been reading and collecting many types of comics for a looooong
time now! I, like Torsten find the Disney comics a good balance to
the heavier books (which, I am finding to be at times, too *heavy*
and am getting kind of sick of!!).. yet, I am a Rosa fan, first and
foremost! I have some `old' Golden Keys books from when I way a
kid, but I have only, recently, started collecting Disney stuff
when: "Son of the Sun" first came out, and I still buy them when I
can afford them!
Also, I have, had lucker(s) contact me privately who've said,
that they are still a little nervous about blindly writing to any
list that Mr. Rosa is a member of.... my response has always been
something to this effect: "I can understand your feelings, but I
have known Don now, for about 10+ years (and I known OF him even
LONGER) -- he's one of the easiest persons that I know to talk to
and HIGHLY appreciative of his fans! However, I too still get a
little nervous at times!! So, I can't really blame you for
remaining a *lurker* (although, it would be NICE if you joined us
in the sunshine! =)." ..and you already know this, (you know who
you are out THERE) if you received my letter (but regardless of,
whether you have or haven't... write back as soon as you can!).
Don has even asked Per before, about how many members we have
on this list/digest. Don't keep him (or the rest of us) in the
dark, anymore. Don Rosa and David Gerstein (as well as some
others) have *both* told us a little about themselves in previous
posts, but I still don't know that much about Per (and we exchange
e-mail letters!!).. so come on Pal, get in this too. I am
condignly inviting/appealing to EVERYONE, to tell at least a little
something about themselves and to post something else, from time to
time! We have a diverse group of internationals here on this
list/digest and it would be good (and important) to have different
views and prospectives on various things discussed here (or
anywhere else, for that matter! =) There's no reason to be *shy*
step up and be heard... we'll be waiting!
Anxiously awaiting your replies,
Gil Milburn <gilbert at>
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