More on Murry

Mattias Hallin Mattias.Hallin at
Thu Apr 21 13:23:14 CEST 1994

DAVID (et al.):

               Yeah -- that's what Jakob and Germund told me -- that there were
no dates in those WDC&S publishings of Murry. Which is why -- or so I've been
made to understand -- they have photocopies of what has been identified as work
by Murry, and need someone to go through a large quantity of WDC&S in order to
see which set of dailies was published in which issue, or sumpin' like that.

Anyone out there see their way to doing that? If so -- lemme know!

Oh, and I'm quite sure that Bror Hellman MEANT to say "Daniel Atterbom", not
"Daniel Branca" -- Atterbom is president of the Swedish "Seriefraemjandet" -- a
fan organisation that covers all kinds of comics, and publishes the rather
excellent journal "Bild & Bubbla" /"Picture & Balloon"/.

All my best


!* Mattias Hallin ** <Mattias.Hallin at> ** Phone: +46 46-14 84 43 **!
!* Trollebergsvagen 24 B ***** Work: Lund University, Box 117, S-221 00 Lund **!
!* S-222 29 Lund, SWEDEN **************************** Phone: +46 46-10 71 37 **!
!********** "A flier! A frier! I must shave the women and children!" **********!

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