Disney-comics digest #521.

Don Rosa 72260.2635 at compuserve.com
Wed Dec 14 05:34:39 CET 1994

	What a lovely looong Digest I just read. Perhaps the longest
ever, with so many excellent messages! It just does my heart good to see
such interest in Disney comics (or as I prefer to say, Dell/Barks
Duck/Mouse comics) to result in so many excellent comments and thoughts.
And over here on COMPUSERVE in the Disney/Gladstone section of the
comics forum, there hasn't been a single solitary message in a month
except somebody looking to buy a tape of "Little Mermaid" (which didn't
even belong there). I have no particular comments and I know it's not
like anything here needs my "approval"... but I'm just so grateful that
there is this one GREAT Disney comic forum here for all to see.
	And that made it seem all the more silly for that superb Digest
to conclude with a message from a "Mark Andrew Hedin" wanting to
"unsubscribe". (It read as if he was incensed by Wilmer Rivers'
discussion of the Pennsylvania Dutch.) Well, maybe he was looking for a
tape of "Little Mermaid".

	By the way, Per, if you're there somewhere: twice in the last
week I've had people whom I've recommend to get on this forum get back
in touch with me to say they tried for days on end trying to locate the
Disney comics section on INTERNET. It seems like no one can find it on
their own and I need to give them the address that you sent me. Why is
it so difficult to find this place? No telling how many happy readers
and contributors might be on here if the place wasn't invisible. Why is

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