Disney-comics digest #521.

h.j.bjornhaug@admin.uio.no h.j.bjornhaug at admin.uio.no
Wed Dec 14 11:40:55 CET 1994

Don, you ask why it is so difficult to "locate the Disney comics
section on INTERNET". That's because disney-comics is a mailing list,
not a newsgroup. You read newsgroups in News readers. Those are
programs that can list all available newsgroups, and then allow you to
select the desired ones.  Mailing list entries are sent as private
electronic mail to the list members. Newsgroups are more therefore
more public than mailing lists. To get on a list, you (as you know)
have to contact the list administrator. And I dont't think there is
any 'official' list of mailing lists. So if we want to have more
people on the list, we have to advertise in appropriate places, like
Wilmer and Per(?) do (with the administrative list address).

(But here at the University of Oslo, disney-comics also _is_ a
newsgroup, because Per has put our News system as a member of the list.
This has been described by Per and Jorgen before.)

--- Helge

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