Norwegian index

Jørgen Andreas Bangor jorgenb at
Thu Dec 15 00:39:14 CET 1994

My last mail tonight, I think.

I have just started to work on an index of Norwegian Disney magazines.

The format looks like this:

(#44/1994 and #45/1994 used as examples)

1994-44    1  D91397     10            DD  Stjernereporteren
1994-44    2              8            DD  Oppdrift i manesjen
1994-44    3  D91409     10       Vi   DD  Sponsor ma man ha
1994-44    4  D93323      8FH     Fer  MM  Fossiljegerne 2
1994-44    5  KF2.2.58    1            Fa  Den maten!
1994-45    1  D93520     10       VR   DD  Kloke ord
1994-45    2  D93477      8            MM  Eggeror
1994-45    3  D93168      5            SU  Ulv i lante fjaer
1994-45    4  D93326      7FH     DB   OD  Den som graver etter en grav 1
1994-45    5  KF4.30.39   1            Pl  Fuktig dag
1994-45E9  1  WDC181A    10   CB  CB   Ha  Hvem bygger best?
1994-45E9  2  D7914      10       VR   DD  Frem for Friskusforbundet
1994-45E9  3  D7436      10       VR   Ha  Sommerleir med Sokrates

The first column should be obvious. The last three rows are the contents
of Extra #9 which came with DD&Co #45.

The second is where the story is placed in the issue.

The third is the code.

The fourth is number of pages. I haven't really decided the format of 
this column yet. FH means "fortsettelseshistorie" -- continuation story.

Fifth and sixth columns are writer and artist.

Seventh is the main, or title character.

Eighth is the title, if any. In the example above, I have removed 
Scandinavian letters. I won't do that in the "real" version.

In addition to this information I was wondering if I should put into
it another code, for what type of story it is. That wouldn't apply to 
very many stories, but some stories can be put into some kind of category.


 - Sequels to Barks stories -- mostly Rosa, and at least one Vicar.

 - Newspaper stories (Scrooge as editor).

 - Those awful Zoom Transport stories.

 - Don's Life of Scrooge.

 - Daisy's diary

 - Grandma Duck stories (drawn by Barks).

 - Christmas stories.

 - Italian Mickey time machine stories.

 - Danish time machine stories.

 - Anything -- personal favourites or stories relating to Norway, 
   for instance.

So far the index contains only the issues #35-#50/94. Those are the 
issues I have here in Oslo. I don't think I will manage to index the 
rest of them in the Christmas vacation, but at least some of them. 
Maybe you can do some of the late seventies and the eighties, Jon? I'll 
send you a copy of it. Anyone else who wants to participate?

Any suggestions or opinions?


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