CBL in Color *For Sale!*

Mattias Hallin Mattias.Hallin at jurenh.lu.se
Thu Dec 29 18:15:20 CET 1994

Hello, all'n'sundry -- long time, no talk! Well, I've been too busy at work, 
alas, to do more'n just lurk lately, but anyway... First I hope you've all 
enjoyed your respective holidays, and then I'd really like to wish you all A 
Very Happy 1995!

Also, I wish to tell you that due to dire circumstances an' all that rot, I'm 
offerin' for sale a, so-far, complete set of the *Carl Barks Library in Color*, 

Carl Barks Library of

                     Uncle $crooge One-Pagers               1--2
                     Gyro Gearloose                         1--6
                     Walt Disney's Comics & Stories         1--34
                     Donald Duck Adventures                 1--10

                                              in Color.

I'm not very interested in a piecemeal sale, but would rather unhand the whole 
caboodle at once. The total coverprice is US$ 463.40, but since they're imported 
to Sweden, I've paid more like approx. $ 580 for them. They're all unwrapped and 
read 'bout once each, so the condition is VF/NM, I guess, though myself I don't 
care much about that sorta thing. Of course I got all the so called trading 
cards that came with the albums. AND my asking price is US$ 350 -- or 'bout 75 
percent of the cover price, and 'bout 60 percent of what I've paid myself. That 
price is not very negotiable, but includes airmail shipping anywhere in the 
world. This might be a decent opportunity for those of you who never got started 
buying these (IMHO) rather nice albums to catch up at a fair price.

I should perhaps add that a) I'm obviously *not* speculatin' in these books 
since I'm losing money on this sale (if any); but b) I already own the original 
b/w CBL, plus most of the Gladstone and Disney-Disney comic books, so I don't 
really need these; and c) I'm being forced by external circumstances (higher 
rent'n'taxes'n'stuff but no raise in pay) to stop bying these albums anyway, 
so... there it is.

Lastly, I hope you folks don't mind this for-sale notice here on disney-comics; 
but to save bandwith it might be better for anyone who wants to reply to do so 
directly to me at <Mattias.Hallin at jurenh.lu.se>, rather than to the entire list. 
So don't just hit that <reply> button, but send *me* a mail instead! First come 

All my best!


**** Mattias Hallin ** Lund * Sweden ** <Mattias.Hallin at jurenh.lu.se> ****
*                                                                        *
*               "Oh bury me thar! With my battered git-tar!              * 
**************       A-screamin' my heart out fer yew!"      *************

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