Don Rosa Olympic Story...

Tryg Helseth trygve at
Tue Feb 8 12:31:14 CET 1994

Mitchell Marmel:

>Drexel University                     |        Awards Committee, 1993
I didn't know there was a University by that name.  In downtown Minneapolis 
there is an Apartment Hotel named the Drexel.  Carl Barks apparently lived 
in that hotel when he drew for the Calgary Eye Opener.  Local comic book 
fan, Dave Nruz, discovered that residence searching through some public 
records.  I ran into Dave at a local comic shop, and he told me the room 
number but I didn't write it down. :(  He said that Charles Shultz boyhood 
home was across the street from the Drexel (that house is now gone) and 
that Shultz was a young boy and living at that address when Carl was at the 
Drexel.  It is possible they could have met.

David Gerstein:

>	"I'm the Fuller Brush Man!  I'm givin' g'way free semple!"
>	<David.A.Gerstein at>

I like your new sig.  Are you going to keep it for a while?

Tryg Helseth  <trygve at>   Minneapolis, MN, USA
          or  <tryg.helseth at>

"I wish they all could be Calisota Ducks!" -The Beach Drakes

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