From RoC

Fabio Gadducci gadducci at DI.UniPi.IT
Thu Feb 10 15:04:17 CET 1994

Ole wrote

>>If you happen to walk the streets of London, England, you may enjoy
>>a visit to a so-called "Disney Store" there. The address is:
>>Regent Street 140, London W1.
>>Apparently all sorts of Disney merchandise including pins, hats,
>>movies, watches, towels, and school equipment can be purchased.
>>Comics are not explicitly mentioned, but it's jolly worth a try.
and Mark replied

>If it's anything like the "Disney Store"s here in the U.S., they don't
>carry comics, they never *did* carry comics, and they look at you
>funny if you *ask* about comics.  I hope this store is different, but
>I sincerely doubt it.  I'd be more than willing to eat my words if I'm
>proven wrong, however.. :-)

Well, last time I was there (2 years ago) they carried NO comics at all. I
do not remember how they looked at me when I asked about them: probably
they were really surprised... :-)

Fabio Gadducci            Dip. di Informatica
Home: +39-50-541725       Universita` di Pisa
Off.: +39-50-887268       Corso Italia 40, 56100 PISA (ITALY)
FAX:  +39-50-887226       E-mail:gadducci at

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