Disney-comics digest #241.
Don Rosa
72260.2635 at CompuServe.COM
Mon Feb 14 15:30:17 CET 1994
Yes, that boxed set of comics WAS available at Disney Stores,
but surely you realize the VAST difference in that item and in selling
actual comics for reading! That high-priced phony-collectible was
designed to be sold to the typical American "collectibles-lout"... it
was NOT to be opened - the comics were sealed in plastic which the buyer
(in that collectible-lout system) KNEW he was NOT to open and (horrors)
READ the material. And this repackaging of the comics removed them from
the category of a periodical publication which would need resupplying
and reordering and LOTS of paper work and effort on the store's part;
that boxed set of comics was exactly like the T-shirts and cuddly Ariel
dolls. Stocking it was easy, and buying it required no intellectual
involvement whatsoever.
Just as reading in America is alive and well among a select
group, using INTERNET (which involves reading) is also alive and well;
but you do know that is AGAIN a very tiny, select, "elite" group of
people. And if you're saying that all or even most computer users are
well-read, it has always been quite a joke to me to read some of the
messages posted by young computer-whiz kids, which seem to show that
they have little or no command of the language, and obviously read as
little as any other Americans.
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