Picky mail reader...

Tryg Helseth trygve at maroon.tc.umn.edu
Thu Feb 17 02:02:46 CET 1994

Bror Hellman wrote:

>>MATTIAS: I think the trouble I have reading your messages in PINE may have
>>more to do with PINE than your messages. 

>I think it's got something to do with your version of PINE or your setup.
>I had the same problem, but I edited these lines in .pinerc :

># Will display all text without checking whether or not it is displayable

Thanks Bror, I found that line in .pinerc and changed it the your example 
above.  Now all I have to do is wait for Mattias to send another message so 
that I can test it out! :)

Tryg Helseth  <trygve at maroon.tc.umn.edu>   Minneapolis, MN, USA
          or  <tryg.helseth at tstation.mn.org>

"I wish they all could be Calisota Ducks!" -The Beach Drakes

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