Different Comic News
Gilbert Milburn
gilbert at unix.campbellsvil.edu
Mon Feb 21 17:53:07 CET 1994
Hi all,
This is a "Market Report" of the Top Publishers for Feb. 1994 and it
comes from: February 17, 1994 - The Comics List Weekly - Vol. 4 No. 7 Part 5
(Thanks to Matthew High of Antarctic Press for providing these reports!)
Date: Tue, 08 Feb 1994 00:06:25 -0500 (EST)
From: ANTARCTIC at delphi.com
Subject: Top Publishers for Feb 1994
Here's a quick list of the top publishers for January 1994,
by dollar share of the direct market, as reported by Capital City.
Publisher Year 92 10/93 11/93 12/93 Year 93 1/94 2/94
Marvel 45.76% 31.12% 31.12% 30.24% 33.43% 35.87% 32.41%
DC 19.34% 20.28% 17.85% 20.04% 19.00% 18.32% 16.67%
Image 12.18% 11.90% 8.75% 14.79% 6.96% 8.75%
Valiant 4.11% 7.19% 8.35% 8.19% 9.35% 7.64% 7.51%
Dark Horse 5.55% 3.57% 4.77% 4.44% 3.36% 5.00% 4.92%
Malibu 8.55% 5.62% 4.39% 4.79% 3.52% 6.18% 4.58%
Wizard Press 1.51% 1.38% 1.41% 1.81% 1.76% 1.50% 2.36%
Defiant 1.66% 2.38% 1.20% .62% 1.03% 1.75%
Kenner .02% .28% .08% 1.40%
Warrior Publishing .80% .84% 1.37% .54% .72% 1.35%
Bongo Comics 1.41% 1.48% .19% .47% .99%
Topps Comics .22% 1.17% .73% .41% 1.25% .34% .98%
Viz Comics .53% .57% .68% .60% .42% .91% .87%
Continuity .26% 1.19% .96% 1.08% 1.33% .70%
Comic Images .91% .78% .82% .79% .51% 1.12% .68%
Gladstone .26% .22% .32% .45% .23% .43% .56%
Triumphant Comics .24% .68% .58% .12% .58% .56%
Fantagraphics .66% .31% .52% .42% .33% .39% .52%
Kitchen Sink .18% .74% .32% 1.01% .58% .43% .47%
Warp .16% .21% .36% .21% .18% .31% .46%
Cartoon Books .01% .10% .09% .04% .05% .44%
Express/Parody .23% .13% .54% .15% .26% .41%
Dynamic Forces .23% .55% .30% .17% .38%
Antarctic Press .09% .26% .17% .23% .13% .30% .38%
Graphitti .17% .22% .36% 1.05% .24% .09% .35%
Licensing Clothing .34%
Lightning Comics .30% .26% .30% .10% .33% .28%
Caliber .22% .18% .03% .11% .21% .15% .27%
Archie .30% .19% .25% .21% .19% .27% .27%
Heavy Metal .07% .42% .10% .26%
Horizon .11% .38% .23% .24% .12% .33% .26%
Attic Books .25% .22% .38% .16% .15% .24% .24%
Catch-a-Star .18% .32% .09% .10% .07% .23%
Mirage .24% .23% .25% .23% .22% .23% .23%
Chaos Comics .09% .23% .07% .40% .23%
Eclipse .47% .07% .38% .17% .14% .29% .23%
Overstreet Pub .34% .25% .19% .24% .23% .25% .21%
Axis Comics .47% .42% .29% .20%
Majestic Entertain. .07% .17% .24% .03% .18% .20%
Krause .15% .15% .08% .11% .10% .09% .20%
Model Rectifier .08% .06% .20%
Now Comics .65% .23% .18% .16% .25% .20% .19%
Comico .50% .25% .16% .16% .31% .24% .19%
Harris Comics .06% .52% .39% .33% .18%
Harvey .15% .10% .44% .38% .21% .34% .18%
New England Comics .19% .17% .07% .08% .07% .17%
Revolutionary .19% .15% .12% .08% .08% .08% .16%
Planet Studios .14% .14% .12% .21% .15% .14% .15%
Millennium .30% .24% .04% .17% .11% .17% .14%
Russ Cochran .16% .11% .11% .12% .11% .14% .14%
Limited Treasures .07% .12% .09% .14%
Palliard Press .02% .27% .14%
Cry For Dawn .08% .04% .13%
Dagger Enterprises .06% .13% .19% .13% .13%
Rip Off Press .10% .07% .06% .03% .13%
Dream Factory .13%
Sky Comics .05% .16% .13%
....plus a whole buncha others.
While I'm at it I thought I pass this along as well...
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 94 00:18:00 BST
From: c.lepage at genie.geis.com
Subject: Kirby dedication book
**> I would love to see a joint Marvel/DC and whomever else production
**> called "The Great Stories Jack Kirby Ever Told". Featuring a
**> Fantastic Four story (the coming of Galactus), a Jimmy Olsen story,
**> etc. And the proceeds would ideally go to his charity of choice
**> (some art school, I believe).
This is a GREAT idea. The professionals in the audience need to push this
idea with their honchos at DC and Marvel. The profits could go to the JACK
KIRBY EDUCATIONAL FUND. For anyone who wants to donate any money to it in
Jack's memory, here's the complete address:
Temple Etz Chaim
1080 Janss Rd.
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
c.lepage at genie.geis.com
73654.2110 at compuserve.com
167 at 9434 (WWIV)
That's it for now!
"I wish it need not have happened in my time," said Frodo.
"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see
such times. But that is not for them to decide. All
we have to decide is what to do with the time that is
given us." ...
-J. R. R. Tolkein
Gil Milburn <gilbert at unix.campbellsvil.edu>
(Student of Fine Arts / Cartoonist)
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