Long non-Barks stories; German Auto Albums (?)

M93 andresen at cs.man.ac.uk
Mon Feb 21 18:27:51 CET 1994

Harry wrote:

> This brings me to a question for our German member, Nikolaus:
> we know there was a German album series "Abenteuer aus Onkel Dagoberts
> Schatztruhe" and we know the contents. But there was also another album
> series, something like "Disney Auto Albums". Do you know how many issues
> there were and what they contained? (DAA #3 apparently contained a 
> 47-page Gulbransson story).
I own one issue of the 'Disney Auto Album'-series, but sorry, 
since I'm in the UK at the moment, and my comics are in Germany,
I can not tell you the number.

What I remember is that only one issue of 'Auto Alben' contains
a Barks story (the issue I own!), it's a Daisy Duck's Diary story,
nothing special...
This album also contains a long story with Mickey and Goofy
(I forgot Goofy's english name) called 'Micky und Goofy und 
das Wunderauto' (Micky and Goofy and the magic car),
about thirty pages. 
This story seemed to be very old (50ies?) but definitely not
Maybe it is the Gulbransson story you mentioned? 
But no, I think it wasn't 47 pages long and I don't
know Gulbransson anyway.
The story was about an oldtimer car Goofy owned which 'behaved'
somewhat like a human, very amazing it was...

And I know there were only published 3 or at most 4 issues
of 'Auto Alben' (in the mid-80ies).

If you're really interested in this album, I can find out
more for you when I'm back in Germany in April.


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