Disney-comics digest #225.

James Williams James_Williams at ESS.NIAID.pc.niaid.nih.gov
Fri Jan 28 17:08:38 CET 1994

>You'll be interested to know, that the only regular regular MM title
>in Denmark, MM pocket, which incidentally is indistinguishable from the
>other monthly pocket filled with I codes, Uncle Scrooge, has been dis-
>continued. It has however been replaced with the title Mickey Mysteries.
>Quoting by memory from the advert: "Mickey has gone full-time detective
>to give you stories the way you like them: exciting!" The stories are
>Danish coded, but have a strong Italian flavor. Mickey is a Humphrey
>Bogart type, and Minnie is an anchor-mouse on a TV network!
>Is this an example of Egmont's hardliner 'back to basics' approach???

That is surprising, less than two years ago Egmont was pushing 
Mickey Mouse stories where Mickey and Goofy ran an air cargo service.
I've never seen one of these stories, but I always thought they
sounded a lot like the Disney Afternoon cartoon TaleSpin (which
Don Rosa worked on for a short while).  I suspect that Bob Foster
had a lot to do with the decision to go to an all mystery format. 

>The last 4 pages is a Beagle Boys story, and not interesting at all.

I've never been impressed by the 4 page Beagle Boys stories.  I'd
prefer 4 page Magica DeSpell stories.

James Williams

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