upcoming Gladstones

Mark Mayerson mayerson at sidefx.sidefx.com
Mon Jun 6 19:58:23 CEST 1994

As a general request, when David Gerstein or anybody else lists the
upcoming Gladstones, could they also list the contents of the Carl
Barks Library issues?  While it's pretty easy to predict the Comics
and Stories Library, it's harder to predict the Donald Duck Library,
as it includes things other than Donald Duck series proper.  I know that
Barks's Mickey Mouse story is about to be reprinted there and other
material, like the giveaways, will also see print there.

Thanks in advance.
Mark Mayerson				Side Effects Software Inc.,
Internet:  mayerson at sidefx.com          Toronto, Ontario, Canada
					(416) 366-4607	  

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