Ghastly spelling bjorn-are.davidsen at
Mon Oct 10 15:21:18 CET 1994

Due to some problems with our mail system  my last message was sent 
without proper proof reading. The result being among others the following  

>How sad! He wil be missing a lot if not being able to enjoy Sandman, Lord 
>of The Rings, Silmarillion, the Narnia series, the Dive Comedy, Arabian 
>Knights or Norwegian Fairy Tales (highly recommended!) to mention but a 

It should of course have been:

How sad! He will be missing a lot if not being able to enjoy Sandman, Lord 
of The Rings, Silmarillion, the Narnia series, the Divine Comedy, Arabian 
Nights or Norwegian Fairy Tales (highly recommended!) to mention but a 

Then again,  perhaps Don or David could write a story on the Dive 
Comedy or on the Arabian Knights, and put in a lot of ducks and demons?

Bjo/rn Are

Bjorn-Are.Davidsen at

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